White Sage is one of our most popular perennial herb plants.  Native to Southwestern United States, the whitish leaves contain oils and resins that become released when rubbed.  Bees love this aromatic herb and its flowers so much, it is sometimes called Bee Sage.

We’ve been thinking about white sage here in the greenhouse for months!  One of our slowest-germinating plants, we started sowing these guys all the way back in November.  We’ve nursed them all winter, and we are proud to say they are finally ready to graduate to your garden!

White Sage is a water-conserving plant and therefore does not require a lot of water.  Water only when dry, and be sure to provide well-drained soil and full sun.  The hardiness and low-maintenance of this plant makes it a great player in stabilizing degraded areas.

White sage is pretty easy to prune.  Remember that it should grow into a bush, and not a trailing plant.  To encourage your plant to grow up, and not out, pruning trailing vines will encourage new, bushier growth.