Every work place has certain jobs that no one looks forward to doing. But they must be done! One of ours here in the greenhouse is the annual event of putting the little water drip tubes in each pot. That doesn’t sound so bad until the number of drip tubes is considered. Each table has a thousand tubes, eight tables per greenhouse, as you can see it adds up. Broken ones have to be replaced, other than that every one is the same. It takes about a week to complete the task. If this is the kind of work you’d love to do in your greenhouse, you may want to opt for a dwarf wall greenhouse that would look amazing in your back garden.
The good news is that once the drip tube is inserted in the soil, we can feed and water that whole table with a switch. Uniform water in each pot is very important and impossible with hose watering. Once the spring crop is done, we will not face that many at once again until next year. The most important thing about the drip tubes is that they free us up to spend hands on time with the plants, not just watering all day. These little plants will be sent to zone 9-11 gardeners in just a few weeks. Plan your garden now while there is plenty of time, your plants can be ordered for the frost free date in your area.