As summer fades into fall, we begin to notice the little signs warning that winter is approaching; even if still weeks away. Some signs are easier to read than others. Are the tree leaves turning early or are they just exhausted from a hot dry summer? Does that wooly bear caterpillar have a wide stripe or not? One sure sign that leaves no room for doubt is the Joe Pye Weed. The story says that Joe Pye was a Native American healer who saved a community of settlers from a sickness using the plant that now carries his name as the cure.
Even though Joe Pye Weed is rarely used for medicinal purposes these days, the plant can still perform an important function for those that notice it. For me, Joe Pye blooming is the grand finale to summer. Joe Pye always waits to the end, so when you see it’s purple blooms, summer is just about over! Though there may be a few warm days ahead, it is time to start preparing for the coming winter. Joe Pye says so, and he never lies!