After blogging about my spade, I had a little inspiration and made a “still life” photo of my old favorite spade, my backup spade and some fruits of our fall labors. After working in a greenhouse all day, you would think I’ve had enough plant time. Some days, that is true, but every fall I collect seeds of trees I want growing on our farm. Some are planted immediately, with a spade, and others are grown for a year in our nursery before being planted the following winter. The spade and I plant a lot of trees each year.

So, the photo below is a shot of the back of my car the way it looks each fall. Bags and buckets of seeds in the early fall, transitioning to bare root trees, shrubs, and perennials as winter begins. Anywhere a clump of plants have overgrown, I am quick to dig and divide, bringing the extras to plant out on the farm. Tree seedlings are free from many yards, and the spade can gently lift them out of the ground, and since they are dormant, never know they have been moved.

I guess the title of the picture could be “still life of a spade and some of it’s winter chores” Can any one identify some of my collection?