The Growers Exchange keeps a small laying flock out behind the office. We have a flock of mostly Rhode Island Reds with a couple of Sexlinks, Wyandottes, and two Speckled Sussex roosters. A mixed lot for sure, but very reliable egg layers. The staff takes turns collecting and taking home our egg bounty.

The few miscellaneous breeds mentioned above are actually the remnant of our last flock. The Rhode Island Reds were raised as replacements this past summer. As the accompanying photo shows, it is not just us interested in our laying flock.

This young Great Horned owl was inside our chicken coop this morning. I caught him in a crab net and released him outside. He is recovering his dignity in the picture. The good news is this young owl was very easy to forgive as he didn’t hurt the chickens! Usually, the chickens are not that lucky. Fortunately it is not often one of our neighbors finds a way in to the chicken coop. Proving again that “ good fences make good neighbors.”
