I planted these yellow flowering Campis vines several years ago. The gate is into our farm orchard, but the Trumpet Creeper was planted so that it would grow up and over the arch and imitate the vine encircling the pages of the first version of The Growers Exhange.com, which is based in the nursery next to this orchard.
Who would have guessed the web-store would grow faster than a Trumpet Creeper? The newer version sacrificed art for function so the vine no longer lives in cyberspace, but should reach the top of the arch this summer here in Charles City. Trumpet creeper grows so well here it can actually be a problem in some places, we chose a yellow hybrid to be a little different from the wild cousins growing in nearby trees.
The plan is to bind the vines to keep it growing a along the fence and up the arch over the gate. Each winter we wrap it with old baling twine to keep a neat column of foliage along the cedar post. Look for a picture this summer when it will be covered in Yellow Trumpet Flowers, which is also it’s name!