After every season there are always some plants that did not find a home. In the greenhouse, we have to be merciless and allow no survivors at the end. Plants that are divided or potted up are spared because they have found a new reason for being in the next season. Left over annual plants fill our containers.

So, sometimes we are left with perfectly good plants with nowhere to go. Here is where the lucky ones end up. A lot are planted around our farm;  we have learned to concentrate planting where they can be tended a little. The hot dry summer is a threat to all new planting unless water is available. Our beds are  along the entrance road and around living areas.

The picture  shows what we did with some left over perennials. A low drop off behind our pool and always been an eyesore; hardly anything would grow there. Some Ansomnia had grown to very large clumps and a few daylilies hung from the steepest part. I had to water several times a week to get the plants through summer, but it was worth the effort.  So, last summer, with the assistance of some hardworking just-graduated seniors, we were able to give those leftovers a second chance.  Now, in the INTENSE heat of our end of June days (yesterday was 101!) this bed is hanging on with little to no attention.  Notice the coneflowers?