Phytonutrients, Why They’re so Good for You

Phytonutrients, Why They’re so Good for You

As a grower, I tend to focus on the more garden-worthy properties of herbs.  What attributes it brings to my many garden beds.  The impact of those big white blooms of Angelica, the steadfastness of a reliable rosemary hedge, the mystery of Passion Flower, or the stark drama of my Artichoke.

But, as the years go by, my interest in the herbs I grow has extended beyond the garden and into the kitchen or the medicine chest or even my fledgling attempts at DIY.  Yes, I’ve even made lip balm!  So, in my research, I’m constantly reading about the health benefits of these plants.  Look at my bookshelves and you will see that my lifelong interest has been the interplay between the natural world and man.

“Let Food Be Thy Medicine and Medicine Be Thy Food” – Hippocrates

A well-known quote and much used, especially as we become more and more interest in the dynamic relationship between our health, and the nutrients found in our foods.  Additionally, a very concerning relationship as we are moving further away from our foraging past towards sophisticated hybridization of food crops to the point where we are ‘watering down’ the physiological punch of plant food. (more…)

Solidago: 2017 Notable Native Herb

Solidago: 2017 Notable Native Herb

And The Winner Is….

Congratulations to the winner:  Solidago has been named the 2017 Notable Native Herb by the Herb Society of America.  We won’t be hearing any impressive acceptance speeches from the winner, so let me do the honors:

‘I would just like to thank the academy, well actually, the Herb Society of America, for this incredible honor.  I am truly speechless’

Or, if John Muir were still among us (and boy, do I wish he was) we’d use his own words:

The fragrance, color, and form of the whole spiritual expression of Goldenrod are hopeful and strength giving beyond any others I know.  A single spike is sufficient to heal unbelief and melancholy


Potted Herbs Make Great Indoor Accents

Potted Herbs Make Great Indoor Accents

To keep our test garden growing strong through the winter, we’ve moved some of our favorite herbs indoors. Our sun porch has become a haven for potted herbs and one of our favorite places to take a break or eat our lunches. Receiving lots of sunlight, our potted garden has been thriving throughout this mild winter here in zone 7. Watering about once a week, our plants are showing lots of healthy new growth and it’s not even spring!

What started as a project to see what temperature and lighting worked best for these potted herbs, has now developed into a lovely place to relax and find a moment of peace during the day. Having these plants close at hand makes cooking and crafting even more enjoyable. Bring natural beauty and energy to your home with two of our favorite fragrant and functional potted herbs!


Fall Gardening- My Favorite Time Of The Year

Fall Gardening- My Favorite Time Of The Year

The sadness of summer fading can only be cured by the excitement of fall.

Cooler temperatures and the bountiful harvest draw our attention away from what was, to the beautiful changes before us. It feels good to bundle up in a favorite fleece for a morning jaunt into the garden. I hope you are making that little jaunt each morning; even ten minutes of trimming, weeding and piddling will brace you for the days work. Think of it as a kind of yoga or meditation practice. After a few weeks of practice, you get flowers and veggies. All that squatting down, reaching around, and scratching in the ground does kind of limber you up, and a few quiet moments looking over your plants does clear your mind, and those veggies will nourish your body and soul. Flowers brighten your day!

Fall is our favorite time to garden

Why would we not start the day in the garden? I don’t know because all of the above is true and we all know how busy and complex life is today. I try to visit my little home herb garden each morning, my excuse is to let the chickens out, but I always piddle and pull a few weeds or pick a little something to leave in the kitchen for dinner. This is a nice start for me because I also know that during the day, through some intrusive media source, word of mouth, or just something I see walking down a city street will give me pause. And I will truly wonder how the human race has gotten thus far. Since there is not much to be done about the world at large, one needs some means of maintaining sanity. The only salvation is a sanctuary, and home with a garden has the deepest roots. Whatever goes on elsewhere, it is grounding to know that the garden is there, orderly and bountiful. (more…)

12 Unusual and Interesting Uses For Herbs

When many people think of herbs, they think of cooking. There are so many other uses for them! For example, herbal extracts like CBD oil from companies like are useful in treating mental health issues, skin care problems and even reduce chronic pain symptoms. Take the list of herbs below and you have several natural ways to solve your everyday ailments. Go ahead and treat your acne with basil, clean your toilets with thyme, and build your bones with marjoram. Have fun exploring new ways to use herbs!


Rosemary: Mosquito Deterrent and Hair Rinse

To keep mosquitos away from your porch or other areas where you like to entertain guests, try growing rosemary in close proximity. Mosquitos do not like rosemary and so they will stay clear of that area. Another great use for rosemary is as a hair rinse. To strengthen your hair and eliminate pesky dandruff, rinse your hair in a cooled solution of boiled rosemary leaves and water.

Buy the plants online


Lemon Balm: Fatigue Treatment

To reduce your fatigue, make a tea out of equal parts lemon balm, raspberry leaf, mettle, and oat tops. Add ¼ part each of sliced and sifted ginger and licorice. Re-boost your energy by drinking 3 cups every day.

Buy the plants online (more…)